Monday, August 11, 2008

Hand Made In The USA

Industry made the USA great, is mass production destroying it? It seems that creativity is a dying commodity in our country. I can't think of anything that isn't mass produced to the outer limits. I would love to visit new places and experience diverse cultures and lifestyles but traveling within the USA seems to have become monotonous and; I feel I must say it, boring. It seems that no matter where one goes things look exactly the same. Shopping malls are all designed with the same architecture and with the same major retail shops. When shopping inside the shops everything is the same in every size and color. It seems that people want to go to the same places on vacations, eat at the same restaurants, wear the same jewelry, and drive the same type of cars as their neighbors, regardless of whether those places and things are of true personal interest to them. What happened to being unique? Where is creativity and individuality? Do people have to be the same to be or feel accepted in our culture today? Is acceptance of peers mandatory for acquiring self approval and self acceptance in our culture today?

The wonderful thing about hand designed and hand crafted items is the attention to details that crafters give to their creations. It is their love of their craft that gives them a winning edge on quality and beauty. No one creates without care for the outcome of their creation. There is a growing movement toward hand made and designed products today. Everything from children's toys; due to safety concerns within the mass produced debacles, to hand made hand bags, jewelry, clothing and home decor. There is a thirst to be individuals with freedom to think, choose, and explore our own ideas and personalities. There seems to b e a rising of the beautiful spirit that made the USA great, with all of its diversity.

The internet has opened up a wonderful new venue for such unique and creative expressions. Hundreds of thousands of craftsmen/women of unique, one of a kind, hand crafted, high quality items are beautifully displayed in wonderfully creative formats. Perfect for those who love to think for themselves and enjoy expressing those qualities about themselves that make them wonderfully and beautifully made.

I see a turn back to our roots, back to what once made the USA great; in fact made the word great, on the horizon. Beautiful works of art from every culture are becoming more and more available and are in higher demand than in previous decades. Thank goodness there is hope for our future still. The beauty of individuality and creativity will not die; in fact, it is in the process of being reborn!

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