Sunday, August 10, 2008

Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder!

I have said that beauty can always be found; no matter what life throws at us, if we only look for it. I must say now that the old saying "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" is so very true. I was recently viewing my daughter's pictures on her "my space" and found this picture she had taken and posted. I couldn't help but laugh. She never fails to amaze me, and I love to try to see things from her perspective when I share things with her. Seeing things from her point of view was really funny to me when I saw this picture. A photo of a dumpster in down town Knoxville, Tennessee adorned with graffiti.

1 comment:

Renée Gandy said...

Hi, I have a daughter just like that! Saw your post on etsy forum so visited your blog.I'm in Mississippi.etsy ship is FauveStudio..