Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lazy Days Of Summer

Ok, it has to be true! There is something about hot sunny summer time days that whispers to our spirit "go to a cool shadey spot and dream". Of course my dreaming is about jewelry... beads and wire. I am in my planning stage of a series of jewelry that will include pearls. Copper pearls, white pearls, peacock pearls in shades of brown, and green is in there somewhere. I found some beautiful plum jasper beads that I am really looking forward to working with (pictured above). I love the colors in these beads and I just know they will look beautiful with the pearls I have selected. So, look out hot summer days, my dreaming is just beginning and it is heading straight toward fall.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jewelry For Every Where You Go!!!

Check out my newest designs!!


I find that beauty can be found; no matter what life is throwing at us, if we only look for it. It is my joy to look, find, photograph and create as much beauty as possible. As I continue my quest for the beauty around us I would like to keep a record, share and create from what I find.

I love where I live. It is odd the way things have gone full circle in my life. I never thought about how nice it was to grow up in a little southern town in the middle of ;what I then thought was, nowhere. It took having to move away and watch my family grow in a town I did not know for me to realize what I had left behind. Of course the most obvious was being away from family and friends. A closer look would lead me to realize much more.

It is beautiful here, where we live. We have hills, valleys, mountains, lakes, streams and rivers. We are within a days drive to a favorite ocean side get-away. Our winters are rarely too cold to enjoy nature and our summers are hot enough to enjoy an almost lackadaisical and whimsical atmosphere, perfect to reflect on life around us, books to read and creativity.

Yes, our little circle in life is now completed as we begin a new circle. We are, once again, at home. Litterally back at home. We built this little house 28 years ago. We lived away for 20 years as we watched our children grow into adulthood. Now we have moved back into the same little house we built in what seems like a lifetime ago. We are back to our roots and ready to begin sprouting again. Our first grandchild is on his or her way this year!

I love to walk around the farm and take pictures of the landscapes and the lake, the park near by, the mountain trails in the Tennessee Valley. I enjoy making jewelry from what I can only call inspiration by nature. I truly feel inspired by my favorite happy places.